Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sleepless in Rockcity

Five months of bus rides to and from work has confirmed the following: Everyone sleeps on the bus. Everyone. Only in their sleep patterns we find differentiation. There are three kinds on the bus. You’v got the Zen masters, the bobble-heads and last but not least you have spit-face. Zen masters are weird. They are neither asleep nor fully awake. They have their eyes closed yet manage to sit still as the bus jumps and jolts everyone else around. Then there are the Bobble-heads. These are the guys who have their eyes closed and their heads keep dropping onto their chest. Just when you think they are lights-out they jerk back up to an upright position and repeat the entire procedure again. And then come the spit faces. I envy these guys for they possess the unearthly super power to sleep like no human has ever slept before. From the time they get onto the bus they hit a snooze button and bam! They are of to la-la land. Its very easy to find these guys in the bus. They are the ones hanging half in and half out of their seat or generally smothering their unfortunate neighbor while maintaining a constant stream of spittle from their half open mouths. They will not wake up till the bus has reached the office and that too only if half a dozen of their colleagues dance the flamenco on their heads.

Its also funny the way seating in the bus has so naturally arranged itself. Zen masters always sit next to zen masters. Bobble-heads usually next to other bobbles but some unfortunate ones can get stuck next to a spit face. They never repeat the mistake. Spit faces predominantly sit next to each other. Oblivious to the spittle bath that they shower on each other, these somnolent beings find comfort in their shared inability to maintain consciousness in a moving vehicle. They cluster together like fungus. They also believe in more the merrier. You will always find them in the three-seater benches, never in the two seater, which is usually reserved for the groups of zen’s and bobbles. The other day I saw an incredible sight, what I believe to be the next Olympic sport: Synchronized sleeping! Like trained athletes three spit faces sitting next to each other, all with their heads lolling on their chests, with the same quantity of spittle in the corner of their mouths, jerking this way and that way with the swaying of the bus in perfect unison. Not even trained athletes could muster up such perfection. These unconscious beings swaying to some unheard universal melody; their body, soul and spittle tied together in an ethereal cosmic dance.

Wherever groups of humans get together patterns start to emerge. Are there any other patterns you readers have observed? In different situations maybe? In different circumstances? Do share. Im eager to know. You can say Im drooling for information!


Unknown said...

By Jeeves...that is funny!! I
haven't done the bus ride for quite a while but the Train ride esp the Metro in Chennai is awfully similar. I took it from Kotturpuram to TIDEL to reach office a couple of times just for the heck of it.

The Sleepy Human Dance is accentuated with the rythmic sway of the handles overhead along with the compartment not to miss the rythm section by "Wheels & Rails".

This is one activity where we are actually in Tandem!!

The best way to understand this phenomenon is to imagine a tennis match and the heads all swaying side to side in tandem and suddenly the ball dissappears and the players continue with imaginary strokes - will the heads continue sway too -- of course they will -- will be a sight to see.

But this definitely cannoot beat the SLEEPY DANCE.

I'm sure this will happen even if there is just One of them in the BUS - defying the age old saying - it takes two to tango!!

Keep Blogging - I look forward to reading them.


frissko said...

:)...Funny...To add, i've seen the super-conscious kinds...They appear to be in real deep sleep, but they wake up exactly when their stop arrives, and get up and walk off like automatons (have no clue how they pull it off, the whistle sounds just the same in other stops)...

Btw, where in Trichy do you live...(Trichy was my home for 20 years, so am curious)...

Unknown said...

Talking of patterns and similarities - here is a question that I found on Linked-in.

"We've heard of spouses beginning to look like the other but has any one ever heard of People begining to look like their work or profession?"

Imagine the Bartender who could look like a Bottle, or a Waiter in a Beer Pub who looks like a Pitcher. The Pilot who looks like a Jet Airplane and the Seafarer who looks like a ship - and oh boy, imagine what it will be of those who work in the Snake Park and the Crocodile Bank in Chennai!!

Now that I have triggered the spark I trust you will see and relate and then Blog!!


Unknown said...

To add to my last comment, it is not just the physical resemblance to their work, but the way in which they think and their mind works.
